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9 Things About SEO That You're Afraid To Believe

If you own your own work from home business then you may be in need of some clarification. Below are nine things about internet marketing that you need to know if you want to achieve success.

1. Speak up

It’s time to get heard, you may have been taught to stay in the foreground but this is the internet, and now’s not the time to hide behind pages and pages of text. Get an audio up. One of the easiest ways to deliver content that will be remembered is to use an audio. Let your website do the talking.

2. Get outside the box

Every site needs traffic but not all methods of traffic generation are suitable for every business. If your getting traffic in but their not staying long enough to find why they should be doing business with you and if your website is producing a “hi oh wait, goodbye” effect then you may need to adopt a different method of traffic generation instead of sticking with the conventional search engine optimization method.

3. Get a professional personality

Your website maybe focused on a hobby but it needs to have a professional voice. All the scripts, e-mails, seminars etc… should be presented in a professional and precise manner. Your presentation should always be compelling, memorable and unique.

4. Technology < Communication

It’s not about technology, it’s about communication. You use the internet as a means to develop your business but at the end of the day it’s how you communicate yourself that’s important. Your customers have to be able to understand you and feel connected. This is not done with an excessive use of fancy gadgets; it’s done with good solid communication skills.

5. Linking out of business

Would you ever invite people to leave your website? That’s what you are doing when you have a lot of outbound links on your website. Does it make sense to get a visitor simply to have them leave seconds later?

6. Turn on your visitors, not off

A lot of websites have boring text. You want to seduce your visitors with an entertaining, imaginative, informative and memorable content. You may be the one writing it but someone else has to read it so don’t waste their time with boring or self-prompting text.

7. Stop going keyword crazy

Content is one of the best ways to optimize with search engines. All your text gets indexed and search engines look for keywords. So what do people do? They repeat the same thing over and over again because they are so focused on search engine optimization. You got your message across to the search engines but your readers are probably confused and bored.

8. Avoid playing SEO catch up

Everyday it seems some tech wiz finds a new way to beat search engine algorithms. When search engines catch on they change their criteria. Good for the wiz kid, but not so good for you. You spend so much time playing SEO catch up that you lose focus on actually building your website.

There is such a thing as too much.

9. Did you get rid of all your images and multimedia and replace it with pages upon pages of text because you were worried about search engine optimization and load times. Did you stop and consider who is actually going to go through all that text.