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The Future Internet and Semantic Searching

In the future many visionaries believe that the Internet Searching will work much better than it does now. How so you ask well with Semantic Searching that’s how. Tim Berners-Lee hopes this vision will prevail in the future and make the Internet much more user friendly and valuable to its users.

“For example, a computer might be instructed to list the prices of flat screen HDTVs larger than 40 inches with 1080p resolution at shops in the nearest town that are open until 8pm on Tuesday evenings. To do this today requires search engines that are individually tailored to every website being searched. The semantic web provides a common standard (RDF) for websites to publish the relevant information in a more readily machine-processable and integrable form.” - From WikiPedia Source.

I had a thought the other day and that is to take the Natural Language from the human such as;

Command; "Computer wake up"

"Rolling down the street I saw a huge crash and thundering sounds and then I looked up!"

The computer translates this to; "Rolling (4a) down (1) the street (2) I saw a huge (4b) crash (4b-a-c+) and thundering (4b-a-d) sounds (2) and then I (2) looked up! (4b-a-c+-b)"

Command: "Computer, search for similar accidents near 451 S. Hill Street, Boston, MA"

Meaning that your emphasis would indicate your voice inflection and rate that a higher priority of emotion, helping your computer get that material you want and emphasising it. I believe this is important for computer human interaction and of course the future of stuff like astronaut space travel companions and co-workers.

For eGovernment it makes sense too. And if you consider the Carnegie Mellon work where artificial intelligence will be able to read a manual and explain to the human technician what to do in lay-men terms then you can see where all this is going. Think of a 24-hour government in any language, anytime, from any location and any level of government.

Even emergency response dispatching UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles of the Future) to the rescue. That is all coming. Let's call it Phase VIII of the future of a Master eGovernance Initiative? May as well set it up now for that level of scalability, that is where this is all going you know. The future of semantic web searching, eGovernment and the third generation Internet are coming.